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+232 78 388 946 64 Sir Samuel Lewis road, Aberdeen, Freetown Sierra Leone.


November 2023
Kroo Bay Community, 16th November 2023 – In its relief efforts to attract more response to the Kroo Bay Community fire victims in the wake of the devastating fire that razed down their homes on November 1st, the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) joined forces with the Tzu Chi Foundation, Healey International Relief Foundation, and...
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The customs of Vietnamese weddings are very complex and symbolic. Wedding is an alliance between families, not just a contract between two people, which is where its importance lies. Additionally, the ceremony is one of the family’s most spiritual rituals because it is devoted to honoring grandparents and relatives. This explains why it is regarded...
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National Disaster Management Agency SL

Bo City, Southern Sierra Leone, 23rd February 2023 – The Directorate of Relief and Response of the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) has on Monday 20th February 2023 commenced the provision of relief items to disaster victims in Kono, Kailahun



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