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+232 78 388 946 64 Sir Samuel Lewis road, Aberdeen, Freetown Sierra Leone.

Agency Sierra Leone learn more The National Disaster Management Call Learn More NDMA Emergency call Service 1199 On any Africell line for Free

The National Desister Management Agency

Implement Government policy on disaster prevention, disaster risk reduction, and climate risk management, ensuring the effective flow of information on disasters between the national, regional district, and chiefdom levels of Government, sensitizing and motivating communities to serve as voluntary organs to assist in managing disasters

To prepare, coordinate, monitor, evaluate and update disaster management plans, providing the first-line response in the event of disasters and establishing early warning systems, we also investigate reports and analyze the nature of hazards, vulnerability, and risk situations in particular areas.

Our Vision

A safe and resilient nation in which communities, the economy and environment are better protected from negative impacts of hazards, through appropriate and comprehensive DRM strategies.

Our Mission

A comprehensive DRM approach towards risk reduction, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery from disaster impacts, build resilient communities by building better after national emergencies.

Our Goal

Empower NDMA and communities with the capacity to prevent, mitigate, respond and recover appropriately to localized disasters with the aim of preventing them. 


What we do

About the NDMA SL

NDMA-SL is an Agency established by an Act of Parliament to manage disasters and similar emergencies throughout Sierra Leone, to establish offices of the Agency throughout Sierra Leone, to establish national, regional, district and chiefdom disaster management committees, to establish a National Disaster Management Fund to provide finances for the prevention and management of disasters and similar emergencies throughout Sierra Leone and to provide for other related matters.

We respond to any emergencies


Bo City, Southern Sierra Leone, 23rd February 2023 – The Directorate of Relief and Response of the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA) has on Monday 20th February 2023 commenced the provision of relief items to disaster victims in Kono, Kailahun



Emmergency Call